What The Heckin’ Dog? Everything You Need To Know In 2023

What The Heckin' Dog

Have you ever come across a photo of an adorable pup on the internet with a caption that reads, “What the heckin’ dog”? Or perhaps someone has referred to a furry friend as a “good pupper.” If you have, then you’ve encountered DoggoLingo, an internet phenomenon that has taken the dog-loving world by storm.

In this blog, we’re going to look at the origins, meanings, and irresistible charm of “What the heckin’ dog” and other DoggoLingo terms. Let’s keep reading and learn these terms to use for your adorable pet dogs!

Where Did DoggoLingo Begin?

DoggoLingo is a playful and whimsical internet language trend that revolves around dogs. It’s characterized by its use of intentionally misspelled words and quirky phrases to describe our four-legged companions. The trend gained popularity on social media platforms, particularly on Reddit and Twitter, where dog lovers from around the world couldn’t resist joining in the fun.

The term “DoggoLingo” itself is a combination of “doggo,” a widely recognized term in this language trend, and “lingo,” indicating the unique vocabulary created by dog enthusiasts. So, where did it all start? The exact origins are a bit hazy, as most internet trends tend to be. However, the love for dogs and a desire to add humor and endearment to dog-related content is at the heart of DoggoLingo.

What’s with the Odd Spellings?

One of the defining features of DoggoLingo is its creative use of language. Words are often misspelled, exaggerated, or replaced with cute alternatives. For instance, “dog” becomes “doggo,” and “puppy” turns into “pupper.” While these alterations may seem unusual at first, they serve to add a light-hearted and charming tone to descriptions of our furry friends.

Take the phrase “What the heckin’ dog,” for example. The inclusion of “heckin’” instead of “heck” adds an element of playfulness. It’s as if we’re exclaiming our surprise and delight when we encounter an especially cute or amusing canine companion. The deliberate misspelling takes the ordinary and transforms it into something whimsical and dog-centric.

Decoding Some Classic DoggoLingo Terms

Now, let’s explore some of the timeless DoggoLingo terms that have captured the hearts of dog lovers worldwide.

1. Doggo:

This term is essentially a cute way of saying “dog.” You might hear someone say, “Look at that fluffy doggo!” It’s a word that radiates affection and warmth.

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2. Pupper:

“Pupper” is the diminutive form of “puppy.” Whether you’re referring to a tiny puppy or a full-grown dog with a youthful spirit, “pupper” conveys their adorable qualities.

3. Bork:

You’ve probably heard a dog’s enthusiastic barking described as “bork.” It’s the onomatopoeic representation of the delightful sound our canine companions make.

4. Floof:

When a dog has exceptionally fluffy fur, you might hear them being called a “floof.” It’s a term that celebrates their soft and cuddly appearance.

5. Zoomies:

If you’ve ever witnessed a dog suddenly burst into a frantic run, you’ve witnessed the “zoomies.” It’s a term that perfectly captures the playful energy of our pups.

6. Fren:

“Fren” is short for “friend.” It’s a DoggoLingo way of acknowledging the bond between humans and their doggo companions. “Who’s a good fren?” is a common phrase used to praise dogs.

7. Paw-sitive:

This word plays on “positive” and is often used to describe something in a dog’s life that brings them joy and happiness. After all, the more paw-sitivity, the better!

8. Blop

“Blop” is a playful slang term used to describe when a dog or cat sticks out its tongue unintentionally. It’s often associated with a partial tongue protrusion where the pet’s tongue is visible and on display, creating an amusing expression.

The Role of Social Media In Spreading DoggoLingo

Social media is the main reason for Doggolingo’s popularity. The following platforms are responsible for the spread of these words and phrases:


You can find many videos on TikTok in which users share some cute moments of their dogs. There are many accounts specially dedicated to dog lovers, and they post with captions using DoggoLingo. One example is a video in which a dog is watching in the camera with an innocent face; it has the caption “Be Honest Frens.”


Instagram is also famous for profiles of dogs in which you can find the caption in dog slang. The pictures are usually adorable with different expressions of dogs with a funny and relatable caption.


@HeckinGoodDogs is an account on Twitter that tweets daily about dogs’ interaction with humans. You can also find multiple funny memes that can make your day. This user has 236.6K followers, but you can search for profiles with millions of followers (@dog_rates) for better content.


Dog enthusiasts have made several communities on Reddit with the title “What the Heckin’ Dog.” These like-minded people discuss everything related to their pet dogs including problems and its solutions. You will see the use of dog slang during the discussion.

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The Hype of “What the Heckin’ Dog”

The phrase “What the Heckin’ Dog” is not limited to social media, it has also become a popular expression in everyday conversations. That’s not all; here are some of the other examples:

Fanbase Merchandise

After the hype of “What the Heckin’ Dog,” many brands started selling mugs, t-shirts, and many products with that phrase with a cute dog picture. Moreover, some brands started printing car stickers with that line.

The Memes

DoggoLingo memes are so funny because the dogs do the talking. You can find such memes, especially on Facebook and Pinterest. Whether used funnily or lovingly, “What the Heckin’ Dog” has captured the attention of people across various platforms and settings

Online Game

The slang “Heckin’ dog” is so popular and common that a gaming organization has launched an online game with the name “HECKIN’ GOOD DOGGOS.” In this game, players can role-play as a dog and do dog stuff like finding their treats or human friends.

Why DoggoLingo?

DoggoLingo isn’t just a passing internet trend; it’s a reflection of the deep connection that people have with their canine pals. Dogs bring immeasurable joy to our lives, and this playful language trend is a way for us to celebrate that joy. By using unique and humorous terms, we can convey the love and affection we have for our pets while also spreading smiles to those who share in our love for dogs.

So, the next time you see a “heckin’ good doggo” or a “paw-sitive fren,” you’ll understand the whimsical world of DoggoLingo. It’s a language trend that not only unites dog lovers but also pays homage to the boundless charm and charisma of our furry companions. In the world of DoggoLingo, every dog is a “heckin’ good dog,” and that’s a language of love that transcends borders and boundaries.

Can You Use DoggoLingo For Your Cats?

If you have a pet cat but you love the terminologies used for dogs, what should you do? While DoggoLingo is primarily associated with dogs, there’s no strict rule against using similar playful language for cats or other pets. In fact, many cat enthusiasts and pet lovers have adopted a similar style for their cute friends, creating “MeowLingo” or “CatLingo.”

You can undoubtedly use lighthearted language and playful terms to describe your cats, just as you would for dogs. For example, “What a purr-fect kitty” or “Look at that fluffy meower” could be used to convey your affection for your feline friends.

Final Thoughts:

In a world filled with complexities and challenges, DoggoLingo offers a breath of fresh air. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the simplest things, like the wag of a tail or a joyful bark, can bring us immeasurable happiness. So, go ahead, embrace the charm of “What the heckin’ dog,” and join the DoggoLingo community. It’s a heckin’ good time, and it’s bound to bring a smile to your face every time you encounter a “good pupper” on your timeline.